30 Days of Thanks: Day 30

Day 30:

I am thankful for Christmas.

This is the first year I thought of Thanksgiving as more than a fun holiday where we get to go to Hilton Head and see family we don’t normally get to see.  This “30 Days of Thanks” really helped me to be more positive and think of all of the wonderful things I have in my life and was a perfect way to ease into the Christmas season and the REALY meaning of Christmas.  I love the music, the upbeat vibes everyone exhibits, the decorations, the snow, the family, the presents, Santa Claus…. I love everything  about Christmas but this year my family and I are going to focus on the real meaning of Christmas and rejoice in the birth of our King!

Check out the other things I am thankful for:

Days 1 & 2: My life & being able to stay home 

Days 3 & 4: Healthy kids & my family

Day 5: My job

Day 6:  Insurance

Day 7: Friends

Day 8:  My sister

Day 9:  My bible study ladies & the study itself

Day 10: My mom’s group

Day 11: Music

Day 12:  Passionate husband

Day 13:  The life I live

Day 14: The internet

Day 15:  My education

Day 16: My heart

Day 17:  The snow

Day 18:  Blogs

Day 19: My best friend

Day 20: Books

Day 21: My son

Day 22: My daughter

Day 23:  My car


Day 25:  My house

Day 26:  God’s favor

Day 27:  Having a store other than Target to shop

Day 28:  Good company

Day 29:  Rainy days

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